Christmas Gift Guides // The Jet Setter

A few months ago the lovely people at Metropolitan Cosmetics sent Jules and I a few GLAMGLOW face masks to try. For those of you not already familiar for GLAMGLOW, it was founded in 2010 for backstage and professional use in Hollywood’s entertainment industry. The masks were made available for retail a year later and proceeded to take the world by storm, picking up awards left, right and centre. The masks are loved the world over due to their ability to help the skin appear instantly camera-ready, refine pores, diminish visible imperfections, and produce a noticeable glow (hence the name). Given their cult status, we…
Tomorrow I will be getting on a plane and heading back to Greece for a well-deserved three week holiday and I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. This time we are going to limit our luggage to carry-on only which seems wonderfully practical when you have to catch four flights and a ferry to get to your destination, but it also poses some packing problems in the beauty department. I’ve taken up the challenge though, and whittled down my toiletry bag to include only limited liquids and plenty of travel-size items to maximise space. Using up samples and testers is a great way to…