I stumbled upon this old Timotei ad yesterday and it cracked me up so I had to share: Please enjoy this cutting-edge television ad from 1985 too: Maximum LOLs!
How to Get a Glossy Mane?!

I stumbled upon this old Timotei ad yesterday and it cracked me up so I had to share: Please enjoy this cutting-edge television ad from 1985 too: Maximum LOLs!
I’m sure you know the famous story of how modern mascara was invented? If you don’t, it goes like this: Back in 1915, there was a young chemist living in New York named Tom Lyle Williams, who’s sister Mabel had recently singed off her lashes and eyebrows in a small kitchen fire. He noticed her applying a mixture of Vaseline and coal dust to her eyelashes to give them a darker, fuller look and the idea was born. Two years later, after establishing a company called “Maybelline” (Mabel + Vaseline), he launched Cake Mascara, and later, the first “automatic” mascara which reloaded…