Posts Tagged‘Exfoliation’

What’s the big deal with Hydroxy Acids?

Diane Kruger by Patrick Demarchelier 1994

The past few years have seen quite a turnaround when it comes to facial exfoliation, as physical scrubs have completely fallen out of favour and been replaced by exfoliating acids. Physical scrubs are not only far too rough, leaving behind “microtears” in the skin’s surface, but the tiny plastic beads used in some products are very environmentally damaging as they wash into the sea and don’t dissolve. Chemical exfoliators, on the other hand, gently break down dead skin cells to reveal newer, softer, more even-toned skin. Within this category are two types of exfoliators: Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) AHAs work…

London Calling

Keep Calm

So, next week I’m going to London. To shop. I’m not even going to pretend there’s any other reason for going besides burning a hole in my credit card at the new 6-story flagship H&M store in Oxford Circus (squeeee!) and attempting to stuff 30kg of new beauty products in my suitcase without getting arrested. Oh, and I will also be shopping for a wedding dress. GIRLIE HEAVEN. Before I get completely carried away with excitement, I thought I would share a few recent skincare purchases with you that will be waiting patiently for me at my brother’s flat when…